1st day of work.
My first day at work was like, crap.
Basically did nothing there, except sitting down and talk. Since we were waiting for the sales executive to come and brief us about our job scope and routines. Oh by the way, i'm with the vending section of the sales department. Don't really know my actual job scope yet but hopefully, i'll have many things to occupy my time. At the very least, i won't have to keep going to the toilet and tie and re-tie my hair, to check out for reception zones. My office's really a twilight zone, i can't even find a single zone with a reception point.
Don't really see the need to bring a handphone anymore. I have absolutely no RECEPTION over there, and i can't receive any calls or messages. So don't bother calling me between the time of 8.30am - 12pm and 12pm to 530pm. I'll be somewhere outside of the boundaries of this earth where there's no reception, no handphones. *sighs*
Patrick Chan(Sales Executive) did a briefing for us, which took a long time. The exact duration, you may ask? It's three hours. 3 whole damn hours, with my butt sticked to the chair. Listening to the process of water purification, the business model, the history of F&N Coca Cola, the horizontal & vertical approach to sales, "push strategy" for ice mountains bottled mineral water, his expectations of us, process of distilled mineral and NEWater.
I was shuffling about in my seat, and sighing. But i tried to do it as low profile as possible since it was very rude i know, but i just can't help it! Just imagine yourself in my position, trying to be very discreet about my shuffling and sighing. *smirks* And showing my restless grin to my Regina and Chen Yian whenever his back was turned.
Sarah, Mun, Jason was posted to the Customer Service department which was just outside of my office. Another guy(forgot how to spell his name) was posted to the OFF-PREMISES department, not really sure what it is, but he was already helping at 7-11 today. Yunru was posted to Finance department. Me, Regina and Chen Yian(a guy from my course which i just knew today) belong to the Vending department.
At first, we thought Vending was about re-stocking the coca colas in the vending machines which basically involved some walkie talkie communication which goes like this, "Regina Regina, Zone 5 10 cans of Coca Cola NOW! Over over!" Silly of us right? But we wasn't going to do that. I think our job scope includes a lil of tele-sales, admin stuffs and going out to meet future clients. Not really sure, will update again ya?
Will be handling and printing maybe hundreds of promotion letter to companies, and doing the folding of letters. VERY INTERESTING. *schmiles* Wearing jeans and perhaps a top tomorrow to work. Patrick treated us to lunch today @ canteen. Anyway i think there are a few levels in the coca cola company. Perhaps 5-6? Will find out tomorrow. I'm @ the 2nd or 3rd floor, i think. I think i almost got lost when i was walking to the toilet. It's just like an office which is filled with mazes.
I'm quite tired now. I've got to study my water purification process notes. Patrick will be testing us on it tomorrow, to enable us to have a better understanding of the process. So we'll be able to make a better sales pitch. *sighs* Shall let the photos do the talking. *zips mouth*

First level @ F&N Coca Cola, Reception.

Regina and myself!

Wheeling away! *shoosh*

Sabrina lent me this book, trying to take some creative photos with it.

Maps. Maps. Maps.
Basically did nothing there, except sitting down and talk. Since we were waiting for the sales executive to come and brief us about our job scope and routines. Oh by the way, i'm with the vending section of the sales department. Don't really know my actual job scope yet but hopefully, i'll have many things to occupy my time. At the very least, i won't have to keep going to the toilet and tie and re-tie my hair, to check out for reception zones. My office's really a twilight zone, i can't even find a single zone with a reception point.
Don't really see the need to bring a handphone anymore. I have absolutely no RECEPTION over there, and i can't receive any calls or messages. So don't bother calling me between the time of 8.30am - 12pm and 12pm to 530pm. I'll be somewhere outside of the boundaries of this earth where there's no reception, no handphones. *sighs*
Patrick Chan(Sales Executive) did a briefing for us, which took a long time. The exact duration, you may ask? It's three hours. 3 whole damn hours, with my butt sticked to the chair. Listening to the process of water purification, the business model, the history of F&N Coca Cola, the horizontal & vertical approach to sales, "push strategy" for ice mountains bottled mineral water, his expectations of us, process of distilled mineral and NEWater.
I was shuffling about in my seat, and sighing. But i tried to do it as low profile as possible since it was very rude i know, but i just can't help it! Just imagine yourself in my position, trying to be very discreet about my shuffling and sighing. *smirks* And showing my restless grin to my Regina and Chen Yian whenever his back was turned.
Sarah, Mun, Jason was posted to the Customer Service department which was just outside of my office. Another guy(forgot how to spell his name) was posted to the OFF-PREMISES department, not really sure what it is, but he was already helping at 7-11 today. Yunru was posted to Finance department. Me, Regina and Chen Yian(a guy from my course which i just knew today) belong to the Vending department.
At first, we thought Vending was about re-stocking the coca colas in the vending machines which basically involved some walkie talkie communication which goes like this, "Regina Regina, Zone 5 10 cans of Coca Cola NOW! Over over!" Silly of us right? But we wasn't going to do that. I think our job scope includes a lil of tele-sales, admin stuffs and going out to meet future clients. Not really sure, will update again ya?
Will be handling and printing maybe hundreds of promotion letter to companies, and doing the folding of letters. VERY INTERESTING. *schmiles* Wearing jeans and perhaps a top tomorrow to work. Patrick treated us to lunch today @ canteen. Anyway i think there are a few levels in the coca cola company. Perhaps 5-6? Will find out tomorrow. I'm @ the 2nd or 3rd floor, i think. I think i almost got lost when i was walking to the toilet. It's just like an office which is filled with mazes.
I'm quite tired now. I've got to study my water purification process notes. Patrick will be testing us on it tomorrow, to enable us to have a better understanding of the process. So we'll be able to make a better sales pitch. *sighs* Shall let the photos do the talking. *zips mouth*

First level @ F&N Coca Cola, Reception.

Regina and myself!

Wheeling away! *shoosh*

Sabrina lent me this book, trying to take some creative photos with it.

Maps. Maps. Maps.
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