The battle against Cancer.
Yes, i watched the tv programme. The auntie who's the same case as my mother.
It pains my heart to even think that my mother would be in the same situation as her a few weeks later. The eye looks fake, but i assured and re-assured my mother that the eye looks quite real. I asked her not to think too much and think positively. I told her we will all be there for her. She replied me, I am not thinking too much, I just thought "Why me?".
At that instant, i have no definite answer. Why you?
Huiling and Sabrina prayed for me today in church service. Huiling told me that God isn't punishing me nor my mother by this cancer. She gave me lots of encouragement and advice. She told me Unfortunately when others are still enjoying their teenage years, I have to grow up and face the reality of life. And i have to grow up fast. I'm not complaining that i don't have the opportunity to enjoy all my teenage years but i'm just appalled by the speed which i have to grow up at.
Thank you Raymond and Si'er for even taking the opportunity to talk to me and express your concern for my mum even when your were about to leave for the Church camp. Yes, i remember what you said, Si'er. God is in control of everything.
The fight against cancer is a long and bitter battle. During which at times, one may feel like giving up and even just die to rid others of the burden. This is the time where encouragement and support from family members, relatives and friends come in. It's evident that support like this helps one to pull through all these trials. Cancer patients deserve my respect.
All the radio-therapy and chemo-therapy sessions might even cause my mum not to swallow even a single sip of water. She might even take 5 minutes just to swallow a sip of water. My heart cries for her, bleeds for her, yearn for God to take away all her pain.
We're not financially stable. I don't know which of us will be able to take her for all these therapy sessions all day long? How long will we be able to sustain? Dad can't afford to miss work, I can't afford to miss school, Bro can't afford to miss school. But i believe God will provide us with a way.
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