Floating Landscape.

"... For i know that through prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance." Philippians 1:19

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Let's continue praying in faith.

I realised my blog has been an avenue for me to release my stress, my worries and my thoughts.

Dr.Lim is a nice person. He comforted my mother and gave her encouragement. But he's a little blur. He keeps walking into the wrong room. And i'm so almost afraid that he might give the wrong diagnosis.

Dr.Lim says the tumour in my mum's brain might be benign. He will need the help of SGH's neurologist to confirm everything since they are the specialists. But he has already booked my mum for a 4 hours operation on 17th June. However, if the neurologists confirmed that the tumor has already started spreading, there's no way to cure her even if they operated on her nose and eyes. So let's continue praying for my mum alright? P.U.S.H. = Pray until Something Happen.

Thank you Sabrina and my cell group, who have been praying continously every night for my mother. Thank you so much so much sooo sooo much.

I guess it's quite a major operation. Neurologists, Dr Lim, Dr Christopher Goh and the dental doctors are all going to be inside the operating theatre with my mother. I'll guess i'll be skipping school on that day to lend my mother support and to help her pray. There'll still be a lot to do after the operation. All these chemo-therapy treatments. Guess she will be staying in the hospital for around 5 days.

Staff nurse briefed us on the operation. My mother might feel pain even after the operation, and she might feel like vomitting. All these, she needs to be mentally prepared. But all i know now is, her morale is quite low. Still a lot to be done to help her regain all her confidence level.

Dr Lim looks very serious just now when he told us about the tumour if it spreads. I controlled myself and forced back all the tears. I cannot cry in front of my mother. If not, she will think that she's a burden on us. No, i can't cry.

Let's continue praying.


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