Monday blues man.

I'm gonna freaking change my blog when i'm free that is. Paragraphing errors, errors in database of skins and in publishing. You name it. I have HAD IT!
It's gonna be Monday tomorrow. And i'm so not looking forward to it. Really not looking forward to it. Never looking forward to it. Not interested to look forward to it and won't look forward to it.
I'm starting to really consider my future, if i wanted to work in an office all day long and stucked with computers for half of my life or i wanted to have a job which is more meaningful and which entitles me to help others.
My nurse dream is still not shattered. I don't know why this keeps coming back to me everytime i attempt to shake it off, and trying to convince myself that an office 9-5 job would be most suitable for me. I really should give it some serious thoughts about it before i get all panicky when i reach the time i'm about to grduate.
Was in the same lift with Pastor Tim and Auntie Joyce. They were so friendly. Seeing them lifts my mood up. I have finally passed a stage when i can enter church without people asking me and Pekhar "Is this your first time here?" I'm glad i feel comfortable in the house of the Lord, with all my sisters and brothers in the name of Christ.
Baptism class is gonna be over soon. Shu Huai, me, Celine, Peixuan, Cindy Thiong aka Cindy Tall, Shiling aka Ella and Sabrina were waiting for Si'er and Reginald for like, a long time. But we joked around, and fooled around, laughing like crazy cos Peixuan aka Rosy brought photos of Ella Tan when she was in Sec 1 or 2. *schmiles* She was real toot those days, with braces and spectacles, so funny.
Baptism topic today is on tithing and renounciation. Very interesting.
I'm so excited i'm going to be baptized soon, just sad for the fact that my best friend Pekhar might not be here to catch it since she will be flying off to Germany on the 18th April. Girl, *sobs*. Please don't cut your hair anymore, if not you won't have enuff mao to keep you warm over there. *runs for my life* Teasing each other is sure our forte. But you know i don't mean it! And you'll always be my good friend, my best friend, my sister in the name of Christ and my shopping khaki! I LOVE YOU!
Will be a while before i sleep since i just woke up from a well deserved nap not long ago. *grins* *pats myself* Haven't been getting a good rest for ages.
Jean and Chongling, i miss you two.
It's gonna be Monday tomorrow. And i'm so not looking forward to it. Really not looking forward to it. Never looking forward to it. Not interested to look forward to it and won't look forward to it.
I'm starting to really consider my future, if i wanted to work in an office all day long and stucked with computers for half of my life or i wanted to have a job which is more meaningful and which entitles me to help others.
My nurse dream is still not shattered. I don't know why this keeps coming back to me everytime i attempt to shake it off, and trying to convince myself that an office 9-5 job would be most suitable for me. I really should give it some serious thoughts about it before i get all panicky when i reach the time i'm about to grduate.
Was in the same lift with Pastor Tim and Auntie Joyce. They were so friendly. Seeing them lifts my mood up. I have finally passed a stage when i can enter church without people asking me and Pekhar "Is this your first time here?" I'm glad i feel comfortable in the house of the Lord, with all my sisters and brothers in the name of Christ.
Baptism class is gonna be over soon. Shu Huai, me, Celine, Peixuan, Cindy Thiong aka Cindy Tall, Shiling aka Ella and Sabrina were waiting for Si'er and Reginald for like, a long time. But we joked around, and fooled around, laughing like crazy cos Peixuan aka Rosy brought photos of Ella Tan when she was in Sec 1 or 2. *schmiles* She was real toot those days, with braces and spectacles, so funny.
Baptism topic today is on tithing and renounciation. Very interesting.
I'm so excited i'm going to be baptized soon, just sad for the fact that my best friend Pekhar might not be here to catch it since she will be flying off to Germany on the 18th April. Girl, *sobs*. Please don't cut your hair anymore, if not you won't have enuff mao to keep you warm over there. *runs for my life* Teasing each other is sure our forte. But you know i don't mean it! And you'll always be my good friend, my best friend, my sister in the name of Christ and my shopping khaki! I LOVE YOU!
Will be a while before i sleep since i just woke up from a well deserved nap not long ago. *grins* *pats myself* Haven't been getting a good rest for ages.
Jean and Chongling, i miss you two.
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