I'm back from school. 1st day of school. Not enjoying it one bit. Friends asked me whether i cut my hair and Chongling commented that it was a nice haircut. Thanks girl.
Went for Entrepreneurship Lecture. And it was purely theoretic. Wasted my time. Sat there and stared @ the Screen for a looong time. Feels like a few hundred centuries. Finally, it was over. *phew*
Then went for Operation Management Lecture. This was another idiotic lecture. Left during the break. I can't really be bothered to sit there quietly and listen to the damn farking lecturer go on and on about his theories and stuff.
Went to WM for sushi with Wendy, Jean, Regina, Siew Teng and Chongling.
Called Yiling regarding my damn farking timesheet left in the office thing. And she said she can't find it in the office. Okay, Great then. I had to call the damn agency de Charmaine to tell her bt it. She seems quite irritated. Whatever. Then, we worked a way out. She faxed another timesheet to em to ask for their signature and company chop.
I'm so damn worried i can't get the exact pay. I mean, did i mis-calculated? I told her the daes i worked and the hours i worked, all out of what i could remembered. I hope not. If not, i will go to the doorstep of the Recruit Express and then slashed my wrist for em to see, see whether they will gif me the damn $42 anot. Suspecting i mis-calculated one of the daes. Or did i not.
Jean came to my place after sushi to wait for Weida since he went fer a haircut. She read CLEO while i surfed my precious internet.
I'm so tired now. I wanna sleep. But can't. If not, i can't sleep tonight.
Btw there's no school tml. Tutorials fer the whole day. No tutorials fer da 1st week la dei. And there's a 2 hour lecture on Wed, but we won't be going. How cool and united. Hahaha.
I'm gonna sleep my fill.
Some neoprints :

Some pictures of my farewell lunch :

Last picture is of me and the new girl.
Great. I have finished blogging.
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