Floating Landscape.

"... For i know that through prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance." Philippians 1:19

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Still feeling sick, but better. I'm a good girl. I ate my medicine!

Just came across this discussion thread in forum whether you are one of those who's laughing on the outside and crying on the inside. Guess I'm more or less this type of people bah. One of the member commented that it is a torture to live this way, but i think most of the girls r living this way. I mean, there's a lot of girls who replied to that thread, incld myself, most of them agreed to it.

And heard that there's this ear candling thing, in which they used a candle by whatever ways and rotate in a circular motion above ur ear and somehow all the ear wax will end up being 'sucked' out. It's an OLD and ANCIENT way, originating from don't know where. But it's $48 for 80 mins. Kinda exp. But i'm getting really interested in this. They will provide a face massage too. and it's really relaxing. I want this for my X'mas Present. Fairy GODMOTHER, did u hear this?

Going fer IS soon. 1-5pm class. I'm gonna be so so so DEAD.

Fairy GODMOTHER, i'm not too greedy. I only want a ear candling treatment and a sports shoes [good quality]. Please note the words in brackets. Fairy GODMOTHER, can you grant my wish?

I seriously think i'm crazy. LOL. Fairy GODMOTHER, WTH!

My mood is so-so today. I'm getting to be realli strong. I'm glad i made it this far. God knows what's best for me, only if i entrust my faith and future to him.

From breakup till now, the array of emotions that i feel is like a Rainbow. From the lightest to the darkest. From relief, closure, confusion, heart break, sadness, anger, jealousy. vulnerability, strength, etc... There's too many to be mentioned.

I'm looking damn forward to X'mas Eve and X'mas day itself. Going for some City Harvest Christmas Carol or don't know what with my beloved Shirley and Xiaohan, Shirley promised us that this time it won't be as long as the previous time i went City Harvest. Then after that, perhaps going to Orchard to join in the fun and catch hold of the atmosphere a lil. After that, going to Xiaohan's place to stay. Shirley wanna cook Spaghetti for supper.

Then after that, meeting Xiaohan again on X'mas for Pariss Buffet. Haven decide the later programs though. But 2 daes is enough to burn my pocket. =]

Xiaohan, lets find a weekend to go Sentosa to PLAY PLAY PLAY. LOL.

Going to prepare to go to sch. Ciaoz.


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