How do you know that God loves YOU?
1) God LOVES you and offers a wonderful PLAN for your life
God's Love "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life"(John 3:16 NIV).
2. Man is SINFUL and SEPARATED from God. Therefore, he cannot know and experience God's love and plan for his life.
3. Jesus Christ is God's ONLY provision for man's sin. Through Him you can know and experience God's love and plan for your life.
He Died in Our Place "God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).
4. We must individually RECEIVE Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can know and experience God's love and plan for our lives.
He is all knowing and his love for us is unlimited. I love Jesus so much. I can feel his precense. I can feel him talking to the spiritual me every night when i prayed to him. He's a good listener and never doubts me. Thank you Jesus.
Smiling away as i am typing this entry.
Realised i am actually fortunate to be living in this world. I'm born without any defects.
I have 3 meals a day. Enough clothings. Enough money. Unconditional love by families and friends. I have 2 best buddies, my dogs. And i have best friends, good friends supporting me. Contented with my simple life.
Finally completed my revision for marketing. *heaved a sigh of relief*
Tuition's later @ 7.30pm. Been a lil worried on and off throughout the day as to whether i can cope with my revision for OM [Operation Management]. A lot of theories. and calculations and drawing of diagrams.
But guess what? I'll take things as it comes. Most importantly, i've to cherish the time between 1230 [point when i finished my marketing paper] and up to the point at ard 6pm. I've to have full concentration and focus as much as i can fer my revision. I shan't be online. If not, i'll most likely be slacking my time away in front of the comp, replying to msgs and replying to forum threads.
Rushing home aft tuition finishes fer another round of thorough revision.
Realises i have quite a lot to do.
-complete OM assignment [group] by 14th feb, 5pm.
-complete EC project by 14th feb.
-complete UTM assignment draft asap. And arrange fer a meeting session.
-complete PQS Quality Control project [my part] asap.
-start researching on ECD project aft common tests.
For the financial part,
-buy a abercrombie n fitch top.
-buy a mango top.
-buy another pair of jeans.
-buy skirts @ far east.
-collect brother's share of SCV's payment, & pay my father the money fer SCV
-inform my father to rotate payment of hp bills btw me n him for alternate months.
-join aerobics at senja comm.
-buy sports shoes.
For the spiritual part,
-continue growing in church and go 4 cell and church every weekend.
-read the books that si'er and sheryln gave.
-continue reading up on Jesus and the bible.[website]
-continue to have night prayers before i sleep.
For the daily life,
-bring dogs down fer a walk aft common tests.
-TRY TRY TRY to get my ass down for a jog.
-try a 'shopping alone experience' @ borders & town in the freetime.
All of these, i really want to do it.

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