24 hours. How much can i do in 24 hours?
I have been trying so hard to fit everything i wanted to do inside my one day schedule. But obviously, it still isn't enough to cover it all. Managing the household chores is enough, just enough to tire me out. Bathing the dogs is tiring, especially with 2 dogs around. Taking them down for a walk is even tiring. I'm more like the 'dog' who is taken down for a walk instead.
Lately, stress has been slowly building up in me. And the defensive wall in me, is slowly wearing out.
Tons of projects. Tons of stuff to study. Tons of household chores to do.
Flare at Pearly just now. I admit i'm too bad tempered at times. But you know what's the frigging answer she gave me when i ask her if she can help me with a teenie weenie small part of the business plan I was supposed to do for International Business? Xing Ling and myself are doing the business plan, but can't she at least help since it's her project too?
Cindy: Could you help me with the "keys to success" part of the business plan because i've been rushing this project which is due on tues and i realise i'm tight with time.
Pearly: I have a project due on tues too.
That was her answer.
Cindy : Wah you say until like IB not your project. Nvm nvm.
I can't explain or define the amount of fire i had inside me. Talking about it just makes me more irritated.
Anyway, bought this cookbook from Popular yesterday while I was buying a new assessment book for Janelle. Simple but yet delicious dishes. Will try cooking soon, and i'll upload pictures of it yea?
Training Development Project is 90% completed. Needs compilation.
Finished studying for Industrial Relation Test.
International Business's business plan is 50% completed.
Meeting Claryn, Pearly and Xing Ling online for IB discussion @ 630pm.
I'm tired with school.